On 21 March 2018, CFA Society Toronto announced the winners of the three award categories at the 2018 Financial Journalism Awards reception.
The Financial Journalism Awards were created to acknowledge the contributions of Canadian-based financial publications and journalists who show true commitment to high professional standards. CFA Society Toronto recognizes their contributions towards improving transparency, strengthening investor education which serves to shape a trustworthy and forward thinking financial industry. The three award categories are: Publication of the Year, Journalist of the Year, and The Spirit of the Future of Finance. The Spirit of the Future of Finance award launched in support of CFA Institute’s global Future of Finance initiative.
The winners for the 2018 Financial Journalism Awards are:

Congratulations to all our 2018 Financial Journalism Award winners and thank you for your contributions in building a stronger financial community.
For more information on the Financial Journalism Awards, please contact:
Jonathan Mai
CFA Society Toronto
Phone: (416) 366-5755 X 235
E-mail: media@cfatoronto.ca
Twitter: @cfatoronto
About CFA Society Toronto
CFA Society Toronto is Canada’s largest Society of CFA® charterholders, dedicated to supporting the professional and business development of over 9,500 members. We provide our membership with a local perspective on a global designation through our member services, which include: educational programs, sponsored events, employment postings, quarterly newsletters and networking opportunities. A not-for-profit organization, CFA Society Toronto is affiliated with CFA Institute, the global body that administers the Chartered Financial Analyst® curriculum and sets voluntary, ethics-based performance-reporting standards for the investment industry. CFA Society Toronto’s members are leaders in ethics in the financial community. For more information, please refer to www.cfatoronto.ca.
Chartered Financial Analyst® and CFA® are registered trademarks owned by CFA Institute.