
Supporting the Professional Development of CFA Charterholders

Founded in 1936, CFA Society Toronto is a not-for-profit organization affiliated with CFA Institute, the global body that administers the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) curriculum and sets voluntary, ethics-based performance-reporting standards for the investment industry. Learn more about our Vision & Mission

CFA Society Toronto Office

Our Services

CFA Society Toronto is the world's largest Society of CFA Charterholders and is dedicated to supporting the professional and business development of more than 11,000 members. We provide our membership with a local perspective on a global designation through our member services, which include the following.

Two CFA members talking

Our Members

Our membership is comprised of portfolio managers, investment analysts, corporate finance executives, academics, and other investment professionals who practice in a variety of fields, including investment counseling and management, banking, insurance, investment banking and brokerage firms, government agencies, regulators, and the financial media.

Download our 75th Anniversary Yearbook to learn more about CFA Society Toronto’s members and leadership. 

Download the 75th Anniversary Yearbook

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Additional Information

About CFA Institute

CFA Institute is the global association of investment professionals that sets the standard for professional excellence and credentials. The organization is a champion for ethical behaviour in investment markets and a respected source of knowledge in the global financial community.

About the Canadian Advocacy Council

The Canadian Advocacy Council ("CAC") is an advocacy council for CFA Societies Canada that strives to advance market integrity, transparency and investor protection, on behalf of the 12 CFA Institute Member Societies across Canada and over 21,000 Canadian CFA charterholders. The council includes investment professionals across Canada who review regulatory, legislative, and standard setting developments affecting investors, investment professionals, and the capital markets in Canada. Visit to access the advocacy work of the CAC.

CFA Societies Canada – Canadian investment values
A post from Robert Decher on CFA Societies Canada provided by:

Download the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct

Contact us to request an accessible version of this PDF.