I would like to begin by saying it has been a great honour to serve our membership over the past year and look forward to continuing my service to our community in my new capacity as the Society's Past Chair and Chair of the Governance and Nominating committee. Additionally, I would like to welcome Vadim Gracie to his new role as the Society's 2018/2019 Chair, effective 01 September 2018.
At our last board meeting on 22 August 2018, we discussed the year-end audited financial statements and I am pleased to say that the Society had a clean audit and is on a healthy financial footing. We have also made a focus on updating our policies to ensure we are in compliance with the new General Data Protection Regulation standards. Furthermore, each board member has committed to supporting specific objectives within the Society's new 2019-2021 strategic plan.
Finally, as my tenure as chair of CFA Society Toronto comes to an end, I would like to thank my fellow board members for their leadership, Society volunteers for their commitment, our membership for their support and Society staff for all their efforts. Collectively, we have made CFA Society Toronto a community we can all be proud to be a part of. It has been a wonderful experience that I will cherish in the future and I am looking forward to continuing to contribute to the Society's efforts in building a strong and vibrant financial industry.
Pamela Steer, CFA
Chair, Board of Directors
CFA Society Toronto